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I am sure every one of us would have seen the joy on the face of people when a baby is born. The smile that lights up the mothers face when she sees her offspring for the first time can never be created artificially. But this is not the case only with humans. Every living thing on earth loves its own progeny. Then why is it that, when a chicken or a calf or a fish is born, even the newborn babies are not spared and dragged in front of their mothers to the kitchens to satisfy the stomachs of the people who talk about care and love but are committing no less than murder.
Many critics would say that man is supposed to be an omnivores and vegetarianism defies the law of nature. I strongly oppose and to my defence, I would like to state some examples in nature. Please think that how do lions, tigers, dogs and all the carnivores drink water. They drink water using their tongues and the herbivores like cows, sheep, goats drinking water using lips. So how do we humans drink water? Do we pour it in a saucer and lick it up or do we use our lips. Such fundamental examples of nature should leave us in no doubt that humans are not flesh eaters.
I have seen many confused on the concept of a vegetarian diet.So a basic definition of a vegetarian would be a person following a diet which includes fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, nuts, and seeds, with or without dairy products and eggs. A vegetarian does not eat meat, including game, poultry, fish etc.
A vegetarian has many advantages. He/she has a lower risk of heart attacks,high blood pressure,death due to colon cancer and other diseases. They are less obese than non vegetarians and this has many long term benefits.Hence vegetarianism is now not only a personal choice but a key to achieving greater health. I hope the next time you bite into a chiken burger , you remind yourself of the silent kill of the chickens mother and bereft look on the animals waiting to be slaughtered.I hope this influences your decision and we practice and propagate vegetarianism.
Live and let live


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