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Curiosity Killed The Kitten

Recently a cat littered in my compound and as a result we automatically became providers to not 2 not 3 but 4 cute little kittens.All four of them are a mix of white and ginger brown and resemble small puffs of fur. They were a delight to observe as they climbed on stones, on top of each other and explored their surroundings. The most cute sights of all of them though would have to be the sight of them sleeping. All curled up in contact with one another sleeping peacefully with the assurance of their siblings' presence. Being young ones they were very cautious of the presence of any other animal(humans included). But slowly as they grew older(relatively) they started becoming a little more adventurous, by scaling the compound wall and getting into the adjacent empty site. However this lead to one of them being "catnapped" by some of the local boys and that was the last of the kitten ever seen. Two of the kittens seemed to have learned their lesson and became less adventurous. The third one however seemed to be more curious about his surroundings,if that was possible, and started pushing the boundary of what he felt was his "surrounding". This however wasn't necessarily good due to the presence of two dogs in my house, one of which is, to put it mildly, a bit of a wild spirit. On one such adventure this curious kitten happened to come across one of my dogs and unfortunately for him it wasn't the mild one. My dog in all his excitement pounced on the kitten and despite freeing the little one from the jaws of his attacker within seconds thanks to combined effort of my aunt and me the damage had been done. I shall spare you the gruesome details of the wound but all I can say is after seeing him i couldn't finish my lunch and felt rather like throwing up. It was a very sad sight to see the limp body of a cute little kitten who had been full of life just moments ago. My aunt gave him a small, burial that went the likes of the one given to Dobby by Harry Potter. I might soon forget about the small little kitten and just continue with my life but one lesson will remain in my mind, Curiosity does kill the kitten,if not the cat.


1 Response to “Curiosity Killed The Kitten”:

  1. Oh My God!...... such a touching story.... I totally understand how you would've felt!.... way to go NAY! You did well on your first write up in the blog!

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